Monday, October 19, 2009


As the book is slowly transitioning from the middle towards the end, Beckham is altering his focus from soccer and his accomplishemnets to deeper meaning: his family. Beckham is dating his dream girl and future wife, Victoria Adams. he describes as if she was a inhuman: virtually flawless. He descibes his wedding as, "the best day of his life" obviously exemplifying that his family value overpowers soccer.

Recently after he is married, the family grows. "Posh", or Victoria beckham is pregnant. As David dreamed, he had a healthy son. Because of Beckham's obvious admiration for the United States, Beckham names his son Brooklyn. His second son is named Romeo, as Posh wanted. He continually states that he cares about his family more than anything...ANYTHING. He wouldn't sacrifice them for any soccer accomplishment, any soccer cleats, money or anything else.

I am consistently enjoying the book. Of course, Beckham isn't a pretigious author so the grammar and literature is rather low. However, the feeling and voice he writes with definitely compensates. Obviously, both the topic and the genre intrigue me, making the book a no brainer.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


At the beginning of the new chapter Beckham, is taking a slightly different tone. He's exemplifying a lack of confidence and doubt. In the story, Beckham has just been recruited for his dream team, the Manchester United youth academy. Overwhelmed by his accomplishment, Beckham, or "David" as he was known as, calls all of his friends and relatives. He couldn't even sleep.

However, despite his initial joy, things change. He is intrduced to hisnew team-mates. His new team-mates dislike him, he is playing poorly and he is fighting withthe coach. Clearly, the beginning of his Manchester United carrer is not ideal. Even worse, because of his unusual and consistently poor performances, he is afraid that Manchester United might loan (Temporarily trade David to another team). As of now, David's lying on his back in the middle of the dark on the bed. He's deeply thinking of how to turn his luck around. Frustrated, he throws a ball as hard as he can atthe wall knocking down his Manchester United poster.

Despite, Beckham's frustrations, I am continuing to like the book. As ALL athletes, Beckham's simply exeriencing a rare term of poor performances. So naturally, I can clearly relate.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Beckham, the international superstar, is reminiscing his past. Originally, Beckham, or David as they used to call him, is playing for his childhood heroes, Manchester United, he describes the beginning of his soccer career.

he first describes how he inherited his fathers love for the game. He illustrates his dad taking him all of the professional games and having tons of fun in the crowd suporting United.

Playing for local team, Southend Rovers, Beckham's performances and obvious talent created words on the street. Eventually, hes recruited by local youth academy, Manchester United. On the day of the try-out, Beckham exemplifies his nervousness and anxiety. He's almost too afraid to even show up. However, once he settles in, he becomes increasingly relaxed and plays well. He makes the team and now he is beginning to describes the friends, the enemies, the triumphs, the defeats and the adventures at the club of his dreams.

I am beginning to love this book. I feel that its extremely interesting because i can relate to David. I understand and empathize Beckham's love for the game. Such a connection is rare, because unlike most books, I truly LOVE the topic.