The story takes place in Salvador, Peru. In Peru, Alonso and Rosa, two young lovers, have completley different backgrounds. Alonso is a cholo, or a dark haired, dark skinned peasant. Rosa, is a light skinned, light haired wealthy child. Despite, their love, they are seperated by Rosa's parents, because Alonso is a 'disgrace'. Everyday, Alonso and his father go to a prestigious hotel, where Rosa lives to clean the grafiti. But, when night fall comes, Rosa and Alonso secretly meet in an elevator.
The story intensifies when Alonso's mother is assassinated by a secret terrorist group. Even worse, the terrorists threaten to kill Alonso, if he does not join them. Inevitably, Alonso has no choice but to join. Fearing his safety, Rosa accompanies him to the group. Now, Rosa and Alonso have escaped their normal, safe lives. From now on, they will suffer constant risks and violence.
I enjoyed the book. It is good because it releases multiple feelings: sadness, anger, curiousity, etc. Also, I enjoy this book because I enjoy action. Rarely, the book lacks interest or energy. However, there are some graffic mature levels in the book which I do not recommend to everyone.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
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