Saturday, September 12, 2009

TYRELL by Coe Booth

Tyrell is a normal 14 year old boy, who wishes he could live a normal 14 year old life. Growing up in the Bronx ghetto, life is tough, at least it has been ever since his dad got locked up behind bars.

His dad is gone. His mom isn't much better. All she does is party, drink and blame Tyrell for her problems. Basically, Tyrell doesn't have parents, and is the only one who takes care of his little brother, Troy. His family is flat broke-- no new clothes, beds, games, just pocket money to buy junk food and cigarettes. Tyrell dropped out of High School, destroying his future. as if things weren't bad enough, Tyrell and his family were forced to move out of their shelter to Bennett Hotel, the dirtiest, most roach infested, most decrepit home in the Bronx. Now, tyrell has to figure out how to turn his life around without getting thrown into jail, but in the streets of the Bronx with drugs, gangs, enemies and no money, it seems impossible.

When Ifirst read this book, the reading level was a little low, but very interesting. As I progressed through the book i became increasingly enthustiastic because the plots thickens with every page. The book is also very engaging because the more Tyrell suffers, the more I sympathize and contemplate how Tyrell will manage to turn his life around. The book also illustrated to me how fortunate I am with my family and my life compared to a decent guy like Tyrell who has been cursed with a life of constant fear and pressure. However, the book also uses a lot of confusing slang. Also, it contains a lot of mature content which may not be suitable for everyone.

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