Sunday, April 11, 2010


As the story progresses, Steve uses flashbacks of his previous life: Life when he was free. His recollections reveal that, in fact, Steve always had a tough life where he was either manipulated, forced or framed for being a bad kid, which continues to provide sympathetic rationalization that Steve is, in fact, innocent. However, the witnesses and evidence, unfortunately, provide seemingly undenialable proof against Steve.

Trial's eventually adjourned. Every moment Steve feels like every one is looking at him and is beginning to feel the pressure. As he is about to return his cell, his lawyer approaches saying that his chances are slowly diminishing. Scared more than ever, Steve hears 3 men down the hall. There's a lookout, ironically, just like him, a rapist and a victim. Steve can only listen and watch the shadows of the trio, parying that he won't be stuck here.

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