Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hocus Pocus

1. Hocus Pocus,

2. The book is about a Vietnam veteran's notes while meditating in jail for a crime that he did not commit. He reflects on his life, his beliefs, society and religion. He HATES religion especially Christianity because he believes it manipulates people more than help them become better people. He is involved and affiliated with a jail breakout and he can no longer live, "freely". The book then takes place after the breakout

3. The more meanngful parts of the book is when the jail break is commensed and the exileration he feels, yet sense of immorality. And the second is where he has an epiphany that the world is simply an unfair place. The theme is that there is no such thing as justice, only chance.

4. My favorite character has to be the unamed Vietnam vet. He is the only character who can have a in depth analysis, and I relate to him because he is a man that wishes that the world is perfect, and wishes that people behaved like in a utopian society, yet suffers from constant reminders that nad things happen to good people. My favorite passage in the book is when he describes being free from jail, but not really being "free" because it is hard for him to ascend the guilt he feels from escaping justice.

5. I would reccomend it to a friend because it is complex yet simple, is clear and concise and gives people a new perspective.

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